Why do I want my website hosted with you guys?

Firstly, because unlike a LOT of other places you can host your website, you can call us on the phone and real people will talk to you who know who you are and remember you.  

Secondly, we don't strive to be the cheapest or the most sprawlingly feature filled, we strive to be the best solution that meets your needs.  When you say that you need X, we'll do our best to figure that out for you.

Thirdly, we don't just run a company selling website and email hosting.  We do complete IT for many businesses and so we know more than just website and email hosting.  Ask us about personal backups or building software or fixing networks and we'll have answers and support for you.

Fourthly, we look out for you.  For example, we make automatic backups of your website and store them for you so that you don't have to use up your website hosting space making your own backups.  We'll even keep them for months at a time so you have plenty of backup options to choose from if you need to recover your website.  We do this because when you choose to host with us, we are as invested in your continued success in whatever you do as you are now invested in ours.

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